KW Cares

Provide Ongoing Support in the Loyal Hearts Club

Support Our KW Family with a Monthly Gift to KW Cares

By committing to a monthly gift, Loyal Hearts Club donors uplift the spirits of many when hope is fleeting and relief feels out of reach.

Your monthly donation will provide peace of mind to those in our KW Family who are facing some of life’s toughest moments, including:

  • Struggling to support their family in the midst of a health crisis
  • Rebuilding after a natural disaster
  • Putting a loved one to rest without knowing where they will find funeral funds
The dependability of Loyal Hearts Club donations allows KW Cares to plan strategically for how to serve as many KW Family members as possible. 
To help ensure those who need assistance can find it through KW Cares, you can give a monthly gift through the secure form below.

*We ask that donors kindly refrain from identifying specific uses or purposes of their donations as that practice limits the use of those contributions.